The Cape to Cape walk trail is 3.5 hours south of Perth and traverses 135km along the ridge and beaches of the Leeuwin-Naturaliste National Park following the coast to endpoint Cape Leeuwin. The walk takes in amazing views of sea and landscapes, wildflowers, and the stunning Indian Ocean. The trail explores the coastal region’s natural secrets, deserted white beaches, ancient granite boulders, limestone cliffs, and secluded swimming spots.
Please note that the dates shown do not include travel to and from Perth.
As the weather is now warmer, we start a little further south at Cowaramup/Gracetown beach carpark and walk through to Cape Leeuwin, Augusta.
terms & conditions
Simply Trekking endorses and includes in all guide training child safety policies as set out in
5 day trek Cape to Cape
The 135km Cape to Cape Track follows the coast from Cape Naturaliste along the beautiful Indian Ocean to Cape Leeuwin. It passes through a few small settlements, gently winds up and down small hills, and has many sections walking on beaches. The coastline features rocky headlands, cliff sections, karri forest and empty white sand beaches. We walk north to south – having the sun behind us so we can see the coastline clearly and it allows us to slowly build our hiking stamina for the more challenging southern sections.
Meeting place & time:
10.00am Cowaramup Bay
Finish place & time:
2pm Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse, Augusta
Day one: Cowaramup to Ellenbrook campsite 7km
Today the track follows alongside the ocean under we descend down to cross Wilyabrup Brook. We meander down and then up again on a staircase to arrive at the Wilyabrup Sea Cliffs. Lunch can be bought today from Gracetown café
We continue along the coast until we turn inland to Ellensbrook Homestead. It is only a short distance now to our campsite beside Ellens Brook.
Day two: Ellensbrook to Prevelly 14km
We start inland and follow old 4wd tracks back out to the coast and then descend and meander along the coast amongst rocky upcrops, along the beach at Kilcarnup to arrive at the Margaret River mouth. Here we remove our shoes to wade across. The path continues along the clifftops overlooking the famous Margaret River Surf break to descend to Prevelly Caravan Park. Here we can enjoy an ice cream or snack at the general store before heading into the park to set up camp.
Day three: Prevelly to Conto 20 km
From Prevelly we climb up inland up onto the escarpment but still with views over the ocean. We walk along the escarpment then drop into Boodjidup Valley on 300 log steps to the bottom to cross Boodjidup Creek. We wander down the south side of the creek and over the dunes to the beach. We pass along pretty Redgate Beach, walk the cliff tops again to descend to Bobs Hollow. Step carefully around the cave and ascend to the cliff top for stunning views over the ocean along the coast. Reach Conto Beach where you skirt above to arrive at the bush campsite of Conto. Here you set up camp.
Day four: Conto to Hamelin 20km
From Conto we walk south until we reach the beautiful karri forest where we meander and enjoy the tall trees. We then turn back out to the coast and descend onto the beach at Boranup. It is 7km walk along the beach, a great opportunity to take off your shoes and walk in the shallow hard sand on the edge of the ocean to arrive at Hamelin Bay Caravan Park. Don’t miss the beautiful sunset at this bay.
Day Five: Hamelin to Cape Leeuwin 25km
Our last day and as we are now track fit, we will find the additional kms very doable. Intially we walk up and over Cosy Corner bay to arrive at the wide sweeping bay of Deepdene. Another beach hike which maybe a little softer than the day before but you’ll soon get to the other side and then ascend off the beach to walk the rest of the way into Cape Leeuwin. The lighthouse comes into view halfway beckoning you forward and the last 2km is very picturesque with the rocky coves, the water wheel and the beautiful brilliantly white lighthouse for your finish photos. Well-done!
Your journey experience includes:
Ultralight backpack, cover
Waterproof sleeping gear liner
Trek pole
Pre-trek briefing via email and zoom
Pre-trek Face to Face meeting
Guided hiking
Camping fees
Face to face meeting (collect trek gear and answer any last-minute questions)
After trek ORB assessment
To be supplied by participant:
- 4 medium waterproof zip lock plastic bags to separate clothes, toiletries, food in pack
- 1 large waterproof zip lock plastic bag – for your sleeping bag and mat
- Sleeping bag (must be rated at or below 0°). A liner will also add warmth.
- Sleeping mat (foam or inflatable)
- Cup, or mug, bowl and spoon pocketknife if needed
- Head torch
- 2 x 1 litre water bottles (plain, no straws )
- Personal rubbish bag (for food, wrappers)
- Personal first aid kit (with required medication, we recommend fixomul for blisters.
- Personal toiletries, toothbrush, lip balm, deodorant, moisturiser (buy travel size)
- Stove, gas, matches/lighter
- Water purification tablets (puritabs/ aquatabs, micropure)
- Pots lightweight – 900 or 550 ml
- Toiletries – toilet paper, insect repellent, sunscreen
Hydrolyte Electrolytes – one sachet/tablet per day is required (available from chemist).
Daytime/Walking Clothing
- Boots or sturdy shoes – worn in and comfortable (at least 2 weeks wear)
- Socks – pair for each day & to keep the insects off your feet at night
- Knickers/jocks – pair for each day
- Long trousers – loose and lightweight
- Long-sleeved top, cotton/synthetic, or collared shirt
- Lightweight jumper (winter and summer)
- Sun hat (not a baseball cap as it doesn’t protect your neck & ears)
- Lightweight rain jacket or plastic poncho (to use if it rains heavily)
Night change clothes
- Warm jacket, thermal or polar fleece (winter and summer)
- Long loose-fitting pants for camp and sleeping
- Long sleeved loose top or t-shirt
- Beanie, head sox or scarf, gloves if you feel the cold
- Camp shoes e.g. lightweight sandals/crocs/thongs
Backpack with trek gear, food & water is to weigh only 20% of the participant’s body weight (please ensure that you weigh yourself then put the full backpack on and weigh again. Calculate the difference between and if it is higher than 20% your body weight, then it is essential that items are removed until you reach only 20%)
To reach 20%, ultralight trek gear (eg sleeping bag, mattress) is available for hire
Teen Hike Preparation & Guidelines
This trek belongs to the participants: The guides are there to facilitate and ensure that everyone is safe. We encourage decision making by the teen group, we create opportunities for the teens to develop new skills, get physically active and experience adventure.
Hiking procedure: Each day we walk three to four hours at a leisurely pace with a stop every hour to snack, have fun and explore. At least one day will be a challenge requiring 5 hours. We keep our participating group small so that our two guides can provide support and encouragement to each individual participant as our aim is for each to enjoy the experience as well as achieve their goals.
Hiking training: Hiking requires a reasonable level of fitness. We suggest that you use an app on your phone and ensure that you can walk on a cycle way or other smooth surface at least 5km per hour. We recommend training once a week prior to the trek by walking for approximately two hours. Both the Bibbulmun and the Cape to Cape Track are undulating and have an uneven surface plus you will be carrying a backpack that weighs 20% of your body weight. If you are able to walk at 5km per hour on a flat or smooth surface, then you should be able to hike with confidence, keep up with the group and complete the kms per day required within the 3-5 hours required.
Keeping in contact: Simply Trekking will receive a text each afternoon/night from the guides confirming that the group has “arrived at the campsite and all is good”. We will only contact a parent if we feel there may be a concern, otherwise no news is good news. We recommend that the teen participants keep their phones on flight mode whilst away and not be in contact with the outside world. Teens staying offline enables greater teen group interaction and cohesion.
On arrival at trek start point
the trek guides will check
That your backpack weighs only 20% of your body weight
That you carry at minimum 2 litres of water
That you have a wide brimmed sun hat (spring, summer & autumn)
That you carry a waterproof jacket or poncho
That your phones are on flight mode and no one is wearing ear headphones
That you have an extra 600ml water bottle in the car to drink prior so you are not starting already dehydrated
Hut / Campsite procedure
Gas stoves must be lit on tables only
Wash dishes at tank, no soap at streams
Carry out any cooked food not eaten
No rubbish or tampons or pads in toilet
Carry out all rubbish