On the third section of the Bibbulmun Track, you transition from jarrah forest into the big Karri trees and many walkers say that this is one of their favourite sections. Highlights are Mumballup Tavern for lunch, pretty Balingup town, Donnelly River’s kangaroos and emus, bubbling brooks, big karri forests, friendly Pemberton (great for a 2 day rest) and the tiny town of Northcliffe.
Day 1. Collie to Yabberup (19.5km) Leaving Collie you can take a bit of a shortcut to connect to the trail using your GPS. The main feature along the track is Mungalup Dam a pleasant resting placer.
Day 2. Yabberup to Noggerup (20.2km) We walk through the Preston River valley and reach Mumballup Tavern in time for lunch (if its one of their open days). It is a slog up a gravel road then a pleasant walk into Noggerup.
Day 3. Noggerup to Grimwade (23km) The trail follows a number of old rail formations and goes through a significant stand of virgin jarrah forest, a good spot to stop for lunch.
Day 4. Grimwade to Balingup (22.9km) The trail follows along Mullalyup Brook with some nice views and spots to stop for a break and you enter Balingup following a narrow stream making it a pleasant entry to a track town.

Balingup to Pemberton food drop at Donnelly River Village
Day 1. Balingup to Blackwood (17.1km) Walking south of Balingup you firstly go through the Golden Valley Tree Park, quite lovely and then climb up through farmland and continue climbing for great views over the Blackwood Valley. The hut has great views for sunset and sunrise through the mist.
Day 2. Blackwood to Gregory Brook (18.1km) After leaving the hut we descend down cardiac hill and follow the Blackwood river, climb up to Millstream Dam and the forest becomes denser and damper. Gregory Brook has a nice little brook to cool off and wash.
Day 3. Gregory Brook to Donnelly River Village (22.5km) Today is the reason I like to walk from Balingup to Pemberton as one, as you experience passing from the pretty jarrah forest into the unique karri forest.
Tonight you stay at Donnelly River Village renowned for its friendly wildlife. Your accommodation is either the free shelter, backpackers lodge or rent a cottage for the night. Early meals are available from the Donnelly River shop and they serve mugs of hot coffee or chai in front of the log fire. Enjoy. Food drops are held at the shop and there are some supplies that can be bought.
Day 4. Donnelly River Village to Tom Road (16.2km) A gentle walk up slowly to a beautiful hut set on the edge of the Donnelly River, very pretty with granite outcrops.
Day 5. Tom Road to Boarding House (24.2km) Today we reach the mid point in the E2E. It is a long day but lovely following the Donnelly River and our destination
Day 6. Boarding House to Beavis (21.1km) A couple of steep climbs today but a pretty walk and Beavis campsite has a small dam in creek out front, great for watching birds.
Day 7 Beavis to Beedelup ( 22km) Lovely trail through the karri forest, past Karri Valley Resort to Beedelup Falls and then another 2km to the hut beside the stream.
Day 8. Beedelup to Pemberton (2.1km) An early start, a pleasant walk, past Big Brook Dam and into town. Lots of accommodation and food options, we recommend the YHA cottage opposite IGA supermarket.
Pemberton to Northcliffe
Day 1. Pemberton to Warren (22.6) A short out from town takes you to the Gloucester Tree, a nice place for a break is at the Cascades before you reach the Warren Hut.
Day 2. Warren to Schafer (22.1km) A nice walk and just before you arrive at Schafer hut there is a dam and the reflections can be quite beautiful and the mist over the dam in the morning.
Day 3. Schafer to Northcliffe (14.5km) Early start, relatively easy walk to get into Northcliffe to catch the bus back to Perth at 10.30am.
We suggest that at least one week prior to starting, check for any diversion, prescribed burns, group bookings on this section of the Bibbulmun Track.
Transport: TransWA to Collie, Balingup, Pemberton and Northcliffe.
For information on Northcliffe to Walpole to Peaceful Bay 4 Hike Northcliffe to Peaceful Bay Bibbulmun Track WA
For the whole track Hike the Bibbulmun Track WA 1000km in sections