End to End:
The Bibbulmun Track runs from Perth to Albany, 1000 km and takes about six weeks to thru hike. The shelters with the water supplies are 10 km apart in the first few days out of Perth, average 18 km over the rest of the track until they go back to 10-12 km apart as you come into Albany.
North to South – South to North:
The majority of people seem to walk from the North to South, maybe starting after mid winter to walk with the sun behind them and warmer weather going with them. Personally, I like the environmental transition from the northern Darling Scarp, into Karri and yay hit the Southern Ocean. But if you’re starting in May, south to north is lovely. Great weather along the coast, dry Pingerup Plains and it seems easier on your body on sand before you hit the hard stony ground further north. Either is great!
Sectional end to end:
Breaking up the hike in this way can give you the opportunity to keep in touch with business, friends and family and if you keep the break from hiking to no more than two weeks, you will still feel like you are thru hiking. Your body will recover, less feet or body problems, choose the weather patterns you want and not get caught up in prescribed burns or deviations. TransWA runs to and from Perth to nearly all the small towns.
Best time to walk the track:
Kalamunda to Walpole – April to Mid November
Walpole to Albany – April to December and January in the shaded parts
Flora & Fauna:
Kalamunda to Balingup Darling Range Jarrah/Marri Forest region
Balingup to Northcliffe Karri Forests Region
Northcliffe to Albany South Coastal, Forest Hinterland and Wetlands Region
Wildflowers Darling Range they start in July through to end October. In the Karri and South Coastal area they can be found throughout the trekking months.
Towns on the Bibbulmun Track:
Dwellingup, Collie, Balingup, Pemberton, Northcliffe, Walpole, Denmark and Albany. Food drops can be posted to Visitors Centre’s at the above towns. Each have an IGA supermarket often with suitable trek food.
Daily bus from Perth to the above towns is available with TransWA but its best to check for the best connection. Most link with the Australind train from Perth to Bunbury making it a much more pleasant ride. For more information on train/bus availabilities https://www.transwa.wa.gov.au/Bookings-and-fares/author/sian-macgregor

Section 1: Kalamunda to North Bannister – 9 days
We suggest 1st night Hewitt’s Hut and skip Ball Creek, Beraking and Brookton huts.
Food drop at Brookton Hy or Sullivan Rock (trail angels)
For more detail
1 Hike Kalamunda to North Bannister Bibbulmun Track WA
Section 2: North Bannister to Collie – 11 days
For more detail
2 North Bannister to Collie Bibbulmun Track WA
Section 3: Collie to Northcliffe – 15 days
For more detail
3 Hike Collie to Northcliffe Bibbulmun Track WA
Section 4: Northcliffe to Peaceful Bay – 11 days
Check to make sure deviation (ie part of track closed) due to the flooding of Pingerup Plains. July to October you will walk through water between Gardner and Woolbales. It is worth waiting for flood to drop so that you can get into Lake Maringup as it is lovely.
For more detail
4 Hike Northcliffe to Peaceful Bay Bibbulmun Track WA
Section 5: Peaceful Bay to Albany – 8 days
For more detail
54 days Finish!
Wondering about how to reduce the weight of your backpack – change to ultralight trekking gear Ultralight gear
Walk a sample of the Bibbulmun Track, the 4 days between Walpole to Peaceful Bay was voted by Lonely Planet to be the best of the track – they include coast, ancient Tingle Trees and the Valley of the Giants. Make up your own private trek like this one we do for the teens Teens 5 day Summer South West Trek
Wanting more information on the Bibbulmun Track https://www.bibbulmuntrack.org.au/trip-planner/track-sections
Interested in West Australia’s Cape to Cape track Spectacular 7 Day Cape to Cape Trek