Teen Adventure Treks (Ultralight Pack Carrying)
Simply Trekking is a Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award West Australia registered Activity Provider, Supervisor, Assessor and business partner.
We value a hiking experience that not only is a fun nature time but also produces a positive emotion, as through positive emotions, comes resilience. To assist in the enjoyment of a hike, we provide ultralight trekking gear to enable each teen to carry only 20% of their body weight. On the hike, day one, we teach hiking and setting up camp, cooking and lighting campfire skills. Day two we encourage teens to take over and collaborate together to make day to day hiking decisions. They run decisions past the guides, we overrule, if we feel that the teens decision may be not suitable or unsafe, other than that, it is the teens hike.
Pre-trek briefings – we provide checklists for trekking gear, hiking food, hike preparation & guidelines. A Zoom meeting is held three weeks prior so the trek team can online meet each other and have the opportunity to have their queries answered.
ORB assessments after trek-as partner with AwardsWA we are qualified to assess each teen for the completion of their practice & qualifying adventurous journeys. We note that greater exponential growth is achieved when the teen completes their practice & qualifying in the one journey.
Teens hike for fun -we have had many teens come on our hikes, sometimes in support of a friend who is participating in DukeofEd Awards or just for the fun of it.
Simply Trekking endorses and includes in all guide training child safety policies as set out in https://dukeofed.com.au/about-the-award/the-award/safeguarding/
and https://www.ccyp.wa.gov.au/our-work/child-safe-organisations-wa/